Bug Knowledge is Power -- requires Normal difficulty

Discussion in 'Quests' started by dkarl, Sep 5, 2021.

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  1. dkarl

    dkarl Forum Duke

    I'm running a new toon through quests. This toon got carried for an hour early on, picked up some higher level gear, dropped a stack of trapezoid gems from a bonus code, and has been playing Painful mode since ~level 15.

    I just completed the Teganswall area .. except I was missing 2 quests from Act II, Chapter II. From the (cheers @trakilaki ) wiki, I confirmed my suspicion: The missing quests were the two-part Knowledge of Power quest-line.

    I went to Teagan's Sanctuary on Painful difficulty as usual, but the NPC "Grimmag's Ghost" did not appear. I stepped outside in Normal mode, stepped back in, and the NPC is there and offered me the quest.

    MODS: Please ask the devs to fix this difficulty restriction on the NPC / quest.

    P.S.: I was able to exit and re-enter the dungeon on Painful mode, dropped the quest items, but had to exit and re-enter again on Normal mode to find the NPC and turn in the quest.
    Last edited: Sep 5, 2021
  2. Lambrusco

    Lambrusco Board Analyst

    Hi @dkarl it is rare to see people playing with new toons when they already have started with some of them but i understand you do it cos right now it doesn't offer anything new right now quite the opposite... lots of bug and they don't care... if you see answers are the same send a ticket and don't bother us... cose as i said once here they are the same ones, so talking about that...

    The right sentence shoud be: please ask to yourselves to fix this difficulty restriction on NPC / quest.

    P.S.: I'm glad you managed to solve it by yourself
  3. dkarl

    dkarl Forum Duke

    One of the few new features of Dark Legacy that I like :)is the ability to run quests on any difficulty. I don't recall there being any qualifiers when DSO announced the feature. So, no, I will not keep quiet :). They promised X, I expect X. If they don't promise anything, then I expect nothing.

    (As for the new toon, I wanted to evaluate how long the advantage of free advanced gems would keep a player ahead of the curve. At level 38, the mobs are starting to catch up to my toon, so even Painful will probably be a struggle before I finish the Norselands area.)
    Lambrusco likes this.
  4. Lambrusco

    Lambrusco Board Analyst

    Hi again. I understand your anger. So let's see what they decide to tell you in case they do it. Sure they will finish telling you that you contact to support, what do you bet?