Kobold door

Discussion in 'Quests' started by Margeonthemad, Feb 6, 2024.

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  1. Margeonthemad

    Margeonthemad Forum Greenhorn

    Can anyone tell me how to get the Kobold Door?
  2. dkarl

    dkarl Forum Duke

    The quest thread is named, "Through the Wall," and consists of 5 parts.

    1. Start by talking to Norm who is located in the NW of Thunder Crest, just outside the entrance to Stalgard. He'll tell you to talk to Levander (the NPC who manages your storage locker in urban maps) in Andrakasch.
    2. Levander will tell you to go back to Thunder Crest to kill specific mobs to drop specific items, then craft the door, then talk to NPC Rakoros back in the city
    3. Rakoros will send you once again to Thunder Crest to collect a few more items, then return to Rakoros
    4. Rakoros will tell you to use the workbench to assemble everything, then talk to Levander
    5. Levander will tell you to go back to Norm
    You may have already done most of this, but still can't open the door to Stalgard ... I believe you need to grind up to level 45 before the door will open (the entrance arrow turns green instead of the original locked red color).
    gbit likes this.
  3. trakilaki

    trakilaki Living Forum Legend

    mrmlja and AndJustice4All like this.