
Discussion in 'Türkçe Bölümü' started by Alduin, Aug 13, 2023.

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  1. Alduin

    Alduin Forum Greenhorn

    I've been playing this game for years and you haven't found a solution to this damn problem? What kind of a game developer team you have should be fired if possible, but such irresponsibility is the bane of all players, including me. I put tons of money into the game and we don't even get the credit we deserve. Is that too much to ask, stabilize the damn game?

    <a href=""><img src="" alt="Ekran-g-r-nt-s-2023-08-13-215051" border="0"></a>
    Alex_Thor likes this.
  2. mariusmgm

    mariusmgm Junior Expert

    they dont care about your opinion,thats way the game is going down fast!
    Alex_Thor likes this.