Legendary Bugs

Discussion in 'General Archive' started by ROTH66, Apr 23, 2014.

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  1. ROTH66

    ROTH66 Someday Author

    Other problems I must face:
    1.My spellweaver gets stuck in pvp, when doing a fast combo, it becomes unusable, it keeps firing fire balls, even after the 2nd round begins, it doesn't move, it just keeps firing until mana is gone. I think this has happend with my dwarf class too. Useless to say, when this happens, the game is over.
    2.After casting Mind control + secondary spell, it works fine (when done under 1 second). When I cast again the same secondary spell, it doesn't work.
    3.Event doors that won't work.
    4.Invisible Shabby chests.
    5.Invisible players. Including myself. But I can still see the horse, that's actually amusing.

    Items with +20% damage, -15% HP ??? 1000 Critical rate, -30% armour, -15mana???
    Really??? Put that on an average SW. You will ruin him. Put this on DK and you have a winner combination. (I must underline average SW, if you have 7500 hp, or 180 mana, that might actually work for you).
    So the DKs are actually that weak that they had to make a special event just for them?

    What's that?
    Yeah.. those level 32 KOTO+, Marshals, etc. Thei're a huge pain in the EDIT. They're the reason you see so many Seasoned Legionnaire level 45.
    So, teaming up with level 45 players, you gain items, andermant, etc, but no XP? NO! just pvp experience, which is awesome if you chose to play like this. You're the king of the hill, smashing ants. What can be more rewarding?
    Last edited by moderator: Apr 24, 2014
  2. NightWalker

    NightWalker Board Analyst

    You again complaining about SWs being underpowered? Any DK who uses Sargon offensive set is what I call "junk". Stop complaining here, if you think DKs overpowered quit whining and make a DK. You're just a newbie who doesn't even know what real PVP is like. If you spent as much time farming as you do thinking of complains to write about, you would probably be doing MUCH better by now.
  3. ROTH66

    ROTH66 Someday Author

    Dear Nightwalker. I would like to inform you that I am rank #900 on my server at 1v1. And while I spent 0 euro on this game, that is called PRO in my book. How much did you spend?
    You probably did spend some euros, and it's nothing wrong with that. On the contrary, I congratulate you for having the extra cash.
    How ever, being a spender makes you talk rubbish, and alienates you from the reality. And reality is (im doing you a favour, and try to open your eyes, altough I know I will fail) you can beat anything in pvp. DKs, sw, etc. so you win 70% of the battles? Maybe more. BUT when you meet a Dk that has spent just as much as you did.. You will see you're worth nothing.
  4. NightWalker

    NightWalker Board Analyst

    Dear ROTH, I would like to inform you my rank is under 900 on the leaderboard. Ranking seriously means nothing, you can die your way up. Ranking is just the honor points you have accumulated. Furthermore, if you talk to people I know, I don't have stats like payers and people can farm. How long have you been playing? How do you know I am a freaking spender when I don't even have a freaking 5 holed equip and I can't even finish my 2nd page of my 2nd bag space expansion? I have fought DKs that spend WAY more and won on my ranger, SW, and dwarf. Maybe its just me that is good at controlling and farming our butts off or maybe because my strategy is different from yours so I don't have to start as a "seasoned legionnaire" when I am level 45.
  5. _Baragain_

    _Baragain_ Living Forum Legend

    Also, your comments show that you did not even do your research before claiming the set is OP for a DK. The negative stats for a DK are -35% armor for the weapon decoration, 50% reduced block rate for the shield, and 10% reduced travel speed for the weapon. The weapon and shield together can work for PVE, but the set as a whole is unusable in PVP. Some special builds can make use of the shield ok because of the bump they get to their damage, but the speed loss makes the mace impractical for PVP because you will never catch your opponent if they have even halfway decent run speed. And don't even get me started on the weapon decoration! 30% armor for most DK's is over 1250 armor (1300 for me if I were to go into my PVP set) lost to gain 1000 crit. That is GARBAGE... This is actually favoring characters like Spellweavers who have less armor to begin with. A SW with only 2000 armor to begin with would only lose 700 armor for the same gain of crit. The spellweavers that would use this are what we call "Glass Cannons" They are the ones who can kill most normal people in 1-2 fireballs. They are also the ones you want way behind the tanks when doing PVE because they will do massive damage while remaining safe from harm because of the DKs doing the hard work for them.

    The "so what" from all this is that these items have limited application because of their negative stats and you need to consider all the factors before using them. If you want "Unbalanced" Tell me why on the Sargon armor all the classes get the same set bonuses. Everyone gets 555 HP, 11 HP Regen/Sec, and 55 Damage. Fair would have less damage for DKs and less HP for SWs... but it's not. Point is, the game is about what you do with your equipment. If the set is no good for you, don't use it! But don't complain when others find a use for it.
  6. Zokin

    Zokin Forum Expert

    I was 230. and i'm still a noob :p how did you become pro? Oo
    Edit: 0 euros in acc ofc, all the way f2p :cool:
  7. ningruoxi

    ningruoxi Forum Apprentice

    No pro player would think sargon weaponary is good..i think.My SW has double of everything ur SW has and i m still struggling in 1v1.It that what u want from us?SW sux?
  8. Zokin

    Zokin Forum Expert

    There is not everything in stats, there is something in skills. And ofc one of most important thing, the human nature, you see human can get confused, react slower if he had bad day or he can get in rage which will "blind" him etc.. Stats are important if you are fighting against, lets say, double stronger opponent than you, then you dont stand a chance, that's why you should farm harder and less complaining. Everything can be achived if you have enough time and will. And if you fell bad bcs you loose vs heavy payer then dont, be happy, you kept your money, spend it on something more important. ;) Good luck
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