Level 31 running out of quests....

Discussion in 'General Archive' started by therpgrogue, Nov 4, 2017.

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  1. therpgrogue

    therpgrogue Forum Apprentice

    Ever since I completed a lot of the quests in Jarhalsforn I am not sure what I should do after this. Sure there are a few PVP quests but I am not a PVP player anyway. Do you advise me to simply keep going to old maps or playing with a group and killing monsters until I get to the level 35 or more which is required to continue the story?

    Are there any quests that I might be missing? What is the best way to level up at this stage?

  2. Rhysingstar

    Rhysingstar Forum Ambassador

    Go the highest map that you can do. The higher the map, the more exp you get, especially maps that monsters respawn on. Boss runs also add up quickly and provide decent rewards and exp for the effort.

    If you really get bored, you can buy the exp buffs that cut the time down fast.
  3. bLaind

    bLaind Forum Baron

    Most of the time, if you haven't missed anything, if you ran out of quests the solution is to level up since most quests are level dependent.
  4. As Rhysingstar and Blaind pointed out, it is time to level up. LVL 31-34 is usually the first time players outpace their available quests and simply need to grind for XP to get to the next level.

    If you want to be sure you didn't miss any quests, you have two tools at your disposal. First, check your compendium (It is a tab in your quest menu) to see if you missed any. Second, you can also check out the wiki page about quests for help finding and completing your quests. Good luck and happy XP farming.
  5. therpgrogue

    therpgrogue Forum Apprentice

    Yeah I thought so. Okay thank you guys.
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