Leveling Up = Loss of %?

Discussion in 'General Archive' started by Mindship, Oct 9, 2015.

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  1. Mindship

    Mindship Forum Inhabitant

    Okay. The first time this happened (when I reached lvl 49), I wasn't sure. But now I am. I just leveled up to 50. My damage and HP went up as expected ... and the following went down: not the actual number, but the percentages. I lost 1% on the following attributes:
    - Armor
    - Block rate
    - Critical hit rate
    - Resistance
    Again: the points-number didn't go down, just how much % they represented. And counting when I reached lvl 49, this means I've now lost 2% from the above.

    I dare to ask: is this deliberate? Please say this is a bug (and restore what I had), because otherwise, this is really sick. Now we get penalized for leveling up?? I can't believe it.
  2. theDrache

    theDrache Forum Apprentice

    It's not a bug, that's how the game is designed :D

    Keep farming and upgrade your gears :cool:
  3. Mindship

    Mindship Forum Inhabitant

    Oy gevalt.

    Thanks, Drache, for the quick response.
  4. _Baragain_

    _Baragain_ Living Forum Legend

    Lets see if the math nut can answer your question. First off, I've not done extensive testing, but what I'm saying below is based off of my 3.5 years worth of observations and experience with this game.

    Bottom line up front:
    The damage reduced by armor or resist, or chance scoring a block or a crit against a monster (or player) is dependent on the total of the stat in question that you have and your opponent's level, not your own level.

    The following examples are just examples because I'm too lazy to do the actual calculations right now, but it should give you the idea. Consider the following four cases involving critical hit rate...

    Your LevelEnemy LevelCritChance of Crit

    You appear to "lose" damage reduction, block rate, and crit because the stats shown on the character page are for against opponents of the same level. As your level increases, you get less benefit against tougher opponents and need to improve your gear to keep up.

    This is testable, I'd just need to care enough. Simply make a new character and test a specific armor value against the low level mobs. Then take a high level character and strip down to the same amount of armor. The damage received should be about the same and should indicate that the amount of armor gives you the same reduction for those low level enemies. The thing is that at higher levels, it is easier to get higher armor values and your high level character would never run around with 100 armor or something that low.

    Also, once you look at the extremes, the problem makes more sense. At level 10 it is normal to have about 100 armor and it would make sense for that to be about 40% reduction. If that percentage did not drop as you leveled up, but the items available kept getting better, you would very quickly hit the 80% max for each of these values.

    Long story short, you are not losing anything as you level up, you are simply reminded that you need to constantly be improving.
    theDrache likes this.
  5. Mindship

    Mindship Forum Inhabitant

    So basically, it's a 'balancing' measure? I can see that.

    Thanks, Baragain. I have to say, I admire the mathematical grasp you and others have of this game.
  6. _Baragain_

    _Baragain_ Living Forum Legend

    Short of having seen the code itself, I think I have the best grasp of the game mechanics that I could have. I love math and can't help but attempt to quantify everything around me.
  7. MegaNuker

    MegaNuker Forum Ambassador

    I think as you level you have a potent level to lower the damage taken. I.E. Once maxed out at 80% the overage does not count (unless the mob is higher than you are.) And as you level I feel this is normal that lower mobs should deal less damage to you.
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