
Discussion in 'PvE Players Wanted' started by FutureUnicorn, Aug 30, 2018.

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  1. FutureUnicorn

    FutureUnicorn Forum Greenhorn

    Hello, So i started leveling up on my ranger but the thing is that i got stuck at level 49.
    It is really hard for me to farm (even with exp scrolls) because i have to do it alone.

    So what I am asking for is someone level 49+ who can help me level up in any dungeon
    difficulty: hard
    My items are kind of [EDIT] that's why I cannot resist to many mobs

    I'm playing on Heredur

    Best regards
    Last edited by moderator: Aug 31, 2018
  2. Aslandroth

    Aslandroth Regular

    It gets, and feels extremely slow at lvl 49. I have brought up 3 toons to 55 and feels the same way every time. You just have to persevere. Wilderness areas in Lortac are probably your best bet. It can feel grindy but you will be earning melts and wisdom that you will need in the future. Levels 52-54 feel the same as I recall. And yes i know it is hard to find a group at those levels. Just keep at it; you will get there.
    Last edited by moderator: Aug 30, 2018
    FutureUnicorn likes this.
  3. FutureUnicorn

    FutureUnicorn Forum Greenhorn

    I know about 52 - 55 since you have no more quests but when I growed my mage i did get stuck but only at level 47 and i needed to farm 1 bubble.

    But as I said now I'm level 49 and I only need 3 and a half more bubbles.

    Thanks for your advice I will consider it.
    The problem is that there are almost no serious players that want to farm so that's why i am asking for help from some players that can help me into another difficulty.



    I found a group and no longer need help.

    The topic can be closed
    Last edited by moderator: Aug 30, 2018
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