Locking inventory

Discussion in 'General Archive' started by Fam101, May 25, 2018.

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Why do people loose their items

Poll closed Jun 1, 2018.
  1. Lockable items in your inventory

  2. Keep items the way they are

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  1. Fam101

    Fam101 Forum Greenhorn

    I was thinking maybe dso could add a locking feature to this game. What i mean i locking items in your inventory so you wont accidentally sell them or throw it out. So maybe it would color the locked items and when your selling stuff you would be able to skim really fast over everything because all your good items are locked and safe. I had this idea right because i was in a rush and sold my universal map which i didnt even know you could sell, but anyways i got it back but yea thats why i want this so its easier to sell and also you want drop stuff of sell things you dont want sold
    navelko, Chandler333 and Jhinstalock like this.
  2. Chandler333

    Chandler333 Active Author

    Good idea Fam101, i like it and i believe that it would be very useful for all! :)
  3. Iselda

    Iselda Advanced

    So looking forward for this idea to be implemented into the game! today I accidentally sold my green bow with a golden line... Was trying so many times to craft it into sth better, and now it's lost :(
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