
Discussion in 'Questions about Getting Started in the Game' started by recomandari, Dec 12, 2018.

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  1. recomandari

    recomandari Forum Apprentice


    I would very much appreciate if you could tell me how to insert a picture to my Signature, under Settings - Signature.
    I am trying for a while now to insert an image, but for some reason it won't load - instead some gray [x] IMG thing appears.

    Also, please tell me how to set a picture as an emblem/logo for a guild.

    Thank you in advance.
  2. recomandari likes this.
  3. recomandari

    recomandari Forum Apprentice

    Dear YouWinOrYouDie,

    Thank you for taking the time to help me today.
    By using the link you provided, I found a website where after uploading the picture I could copy a direct link to it.
    I was wrongly trying to insert a link which was not a direct link to the picture, but a link to the website hosting it.

    Regarding the second information, I might be under the wrong impression, but players seem to have cloaks or flags with different designs - are any of them related to the Guild emblem (if any can be chosen in game)?

    Best wishes,
  4. Akageshi

    Akageshi Forum Duke

    Can you post the link to your signature image here? Or check if the link is a direct link to the image, rather than a link to a website or gallery or so.
    recomandari likes this.
  5. recomandari

    recomandari Forum Apprentice

    Last edited: Dec 12, 2018
    Akageshi likes this.
  6. Dragonnns

    Dragonnns Count Count

    The cloaks/banners in-game are not guild related. These are items obtained during the various events/quests or are part of a costume. Some of the items are dyed as well to add to the variety (not costumes though).
    recomandari likes this.
  7. recomandari

    recomandari Forum Apprentice

    Understood. Thank you for clarifying this matter.

    Please consider this thread solved.

    Best Wishes,
  8. Mal3ficent

    Mal3ficent Guest

    Closing the thread :)

    recomandari likes this.