Looking for a guild/noob players

Discussion in 'PvE Players Wanted' started by al33x1014, Jul 1, 2020.

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  1. al33x1014

    al33x1014 Forum Greenhorn

    Hello everyone,

    I've played this game a while ago but not too much, I ve started again a week ago , im 48 almost 49 ranger, I'm looking for some active players, I am definetly a noob at this game, if some of you want to accept me on their guild I would be pretty happy. It's hard to farm alone, I might quit the game cuz everyone is avoiding noobs like ,dso doesn t need new players and just so you know most of you who are avoiding noobs, you were to noobs at some point and got helped by a strong player but you don't help others.

    Thx for attention
  2. BigHink

    BigHink Forum Inhabitant

    what is your in game name and what server. Have a quite active English speaking guild on Agathon that would be glad to invite you.
  3. al33x1014

    al33x1014 Forum Greenhorn

    Forgot to specify the sv : Heredur, thanks anyways , I have found a guild
  4. jhonnes

    jhonnes Forum Greenhorn

    hi friend, i play on Agathon, could you invite me? lvl 38