looking for a guild on heredur

Discussion in 'General Archive' started by Sshadowfang, Sep 20, 2015.

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  1. Sshadowfang

    Sshadowfang Forum Apprentice

    hi i have a level 46 ranger and a level 22 ranger(pvp) i am looking for a guild or another player to help with farming maps and gaining no exp, and to build up my lv 22 account, and i can help them also..
    you must,,
    1, have 2 charactars on heredur server so we can help each other
    2,speak english
    3,be online roughly 7-9pm weekdays and daytimes weekend timezone gmt
    4, be an active player

    if you are looking for same as me add my charactar Xshadowfangx to your in game friends list and speak to me when i am on thanks:)
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