Suggestion Looking For a Guild that helps

Discussion in 'General Archive' started by Hemanta, Aug 4, 2015.

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  1. Hemanta

    Hemanta Forum Greenhorn

    Hi i have joined couple of guilds but most of them have low levels and inactive too, i have few characters and some are pretty good too, so m looking for a guild who can help do M2, Mortis,Events etc. and i can help too.

    Thank You

    Hemanta- 45 Ranger
    Hemantasunuwar-45 Steam
    Rajanfv-45 Mage
    Quickblade- 43 Dk
    Server- Heredur
  2. Pumpkin7

    Pumpkin7 Junior Expert

  3. Hemanta

    Hemanta Forum Greenhorn

    I went through your guild information and its interesting, I am active player and hope your guild members are also active. I am from Nepal so due to time difference it may cause a slight problem but i can give it a try, who knows it would work so well .. better try of course..!!

    Thank you..!!!
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