Looking for enlgish speaking guild - Heredur server

Discussion in 'Guild Search' started by finnagin97, Apr 8, 2020.

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  1. finnagin97

    finnagin97 Forum Greenhorn


    I am a ranger lvl55 and I have recently returned to that game after 1 or 2 years away I started playing in 2012. I have only reached lvl55 a few days ago. I would like to improve my character a lot. I used to play a lot back when level cap was 45 so I have good knowledge of some parts of the game but the new stuff I am still learning. I am a native English speaker and happy to use discord.

    In game name is Valkaryie on Heredur server if anyone wants to contact me :D My stats are pretty rubbish so don't come expecting OP damage or anything. Just looking for fun guild to help each other improve
