Looking for guild- Grimmag

Discussion in 'General Archive' started by Vnaris, Apr 1, 2018.

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  1. Vnaris

    Vnaris Forum Apprentice

    Hello, I am Valantis (in game Valas27) from Greece and I am new in the English forum.
    I ve been playing the game for many years, but recently i started again, after absence of about 3 years, so I know dso well enough. I have a mage 44 lvl(soon 45, low lvl now but i am rising fast) in server grimmag and i need to find a guild. As a matter of fact i tried to find a greek one, but dso in greece doesnt do very well anymore. So if you could invite me to your guild i d be very pleased.
    Thank you
  2. Welcome back to the game. I'm sure much has changed since you last stepped foot in Dracania. Good luck in your hunt for a guild and don't forget to check out the Guild Introductions looking for a guild that will meet your needs.
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