Looking to join a guild

Discussion in 'Guild Search' started by slapyermammy, Sep 27, 2022.

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  1. slapyermammy

    slapyermammy Forum Apprentice

    Hello, I have a level 81 spell weaver and I would like to join a guild!
  2. silverseas

    silverseas Count Count

    Which server are you on?
  3. slapyermammy

    slapyermammy Forum Apprentice

    agathon us east
  4. Soup3rDye

    Soup3rDye Forum Greenhorn

    looking for a social guild please? - Agathon us east
  5. bilybob

    bilybob Junior Expert

    There is a very active and helpful guild on Agathon named Pathfinders.

    Message one of the following in game:

    Goddfree - Guild Master
    Goddessofwar1000 - Officer
    Papaw - Officer
    Soup3rDye likes this.
  6. Soup3rDye

    Soup3rDye Forum Greenhorn

    Thank you!