Lost in the woods (3/4)

Discussion in 'Quests' started by jelbeat, Aug 21, 2021.

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  1. jelbeat

    jelbeat Regular

    So i couldn't kill Conlan the first time.
    After that i entered the second time but then the helpers (deer with bow and arrows) won´t appear again.
    I want to abandon this quest and take it on again.
    Is this possible or is this quest gone after u abondoned it?

    Does anybody knows this?
  2. Lambrusco

    Lambrusco Board Analyst

    Hi @jelbeat. That i remember, cos theres long time i don't play this game, there's no quest to kill nobody but a quest to defend Cohen in the clear of Artaya

    For that you must leave twisted woods and go in again doing same way to clear artaya followoing the mushrooms as you already know. once you get there you'll see it empty. get out and in next map leave by the trace of bloodas if you follow the main quest and you'll see a mob there who's gonna give you the main quest again to defend Cohen etc...

    In case you talk about another qust let me know cos right now no other quests comes to my mind right now in twisted woods similar to that you talk about...

    jelbeat likes this.
  3. jelbeat

    jelbeat Regular

    This was indeed the right way, thnx for that Lambrusco :)
    But, as i've said before, impossible for me to do.
    Soooo many mobs against me alone :mad::mad:
  4. Lambrusco

    Lambrusco Board Analyst

    Hi again @jelbeat if that's the matter i'm sorry but i dn't play this game for long time ago... i wish you find someone in our server who can help you to give you a hand with that...