Lots of pvp and chat bugs in the past weeks

Discussion in 'General Archive' started by slatermill, Mar 18, 2014.

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  1. slatermill

    slatermill Forum Greenhorn

    In the past 2 weeks or so I get lots of chat and pvp bugs.
    It got much worse since new patch, and even worse after today maintainance.

    1) Choosing pvp queue doesnt allways appear.
    2) Entering pvp does nothing. I stay in the place I am ( happend 3 times in the past 10 mins. retarting game didnt help)
    3) Entering pvp and finding myself alone, need to leave ( at least 1 of 10 matches)
    4) Leaving a party result in 2 pvp queues appearing, without choosing them
    5) Every 2 hours or so the chat is stuck. cant change widget, and cant chat. can only be fixed by exiting and reselecting char.
    6) Also lots of lags in the past 2 days, most of them after maintainance today - almost all the time.

    I already tried deleting and redownloading launcher (and yes - I use launcher not browser).
  2. Markoman

    Markoman Someday Author

    Hello @slatermill, regarding this problem listed under number 5, I've found it much easier myself to just try and change chat to region or guild then return it to local or which ever and it will be back to normal no need to exit the game or reselect the character.

    Regarding other problems mostly lack of chat appearance during the pvp unfortunately there are no solutions so far, but we are sure the team is more than capable of fixing this and will do as soon as possible.
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