Low latency issue

Discussion in 'General Forum' started by deepeshjain333, Nov 2, 2020.

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  1. deepeshjain333

    deepeshjain333 Forum Apprentice

    Hello guys,
    I am from India and me and one of my friend from India too are having issue in latency i.e even though we have super fast internet ,our ms don't go below 150 it stays either at 170 or 165. Earlier I used to have 100-120 ms but from recent years, the issue has arose. My character is on heredur server.
  2. deepeshjain333

    deepeshjain333 Forum Apprentice

    Am talking of 2-3 yrs ago that ping
  3. deepeshjain333

    deepeshjain333 Forum Apprentice

    Idk about that