Loyalty To Veteran Players?

Discussion in 'General Archive' started by Theusen, Feb 28, 2014.

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  1. Theusen

    Theusen Padavan

    LMAO! U really think BP will value us faithfull players that have played this game since the start, continuesly payed to the game and upheld our fair share, by faithfully reporting in bugs and comming with suggestions?

    Not a chance!

    ...In the early days, BP did a lot to keep the players satisfied! If we were promised something, and they phailed to perform as promised, the players were actually COMPENSATED by BP... But that was years ago!

    Their last actual compensation for leaving players stuck at the Q6-quest was the same two weeks of premium they now give to new players who spends less than ½ a hour on this game! ...What a joke!

    I stay in this game ONLY because I share this w so many friends!

    Not giving premium to the players that REALLY deserves it is just one of the NUMEROUS ways BP screws you over!

    ...And my advice to new players is to find a game where the creators actually cares about their loyal playerbase!

    So new players that stumble upon this game, and reads this post: RUN! Run as fast as U can! Dont EVER play games created by BP! Bigpoint are scammers of the WORST sort, targeting the poor and the innocent!

    ...Just my 2 cents! Stay kewl!

  2. spiro_spula

    spiro_spula Forum Connoisseur

    Actually the free premium trial is a marketing ploy as old as trade. Somebody compared it to a drug dealer who provides the first batch for free - to make sure the user gets a taste and hopefully get him hooked. Most businesses use this tactic, or at least used it at some point of their development.
    Vendetta likes this.