Bug Lv 55 Package Quests

Discussion in 'General Forum' started by OPΛ, Jan 4, 2021.

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  1. OPΛ

    OPΛ Forum Apprentice


    I was curious about the lv 55 package, so I bought it. Turns out that I wasted money because although the main quests were finished, some secondary ones werent. Some are bugged (Defending the Ambasador in one Qaizah map).

    Also, with this package you get some gems, lv 55, some inventory, main quests done. But the new maps are not accessible, nor some old ones like: Asar boss, Genie boss, Balor etc. (And since your main quests are done, you can't unlok these bosses, great idea DSO Team)

    So technically, if you buy that package you get lv 55 and you get stuck, and you don't have access to new maps. Good job DSO!
    Last edited: Jan 6, 2021