main quest missing

Discussion in 'Quests' started by Ringo, Dec 22, 2020.

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  1. Ringo

    Ringo Forum Apprentice

    I finished the main quest expedition in the woods 2/4 and when I go to the artaya glade the quest has completely disappeared, I no longer have it and I cannot resume it and no other main quest appears in my book request if anyone can fix it thanks.
  2. silverseas

    silverseas Count Count

    Do you still have the quest in your quest log? If yes, what exactly does it instruct you to do? (Or screenshot).
  3. Ringo

    Ringo Forum Apprentice

    I no longer have any main quest in my quest book
  4. Lambrusco

    Lambrusco Board Analyst

    Hi. That i know first you must find Colen in Artaya, don't remeber if it's the right name, then have to look for a woman, leaving artaya you'll see a trace of blood, so touch a the only possible stump and exit by the trace of blood that leads to you. Once you finish this quest re-do it again, twisted wood, and go to artaya and defend Colen but i don't remember another quest but for looking for a flute to take it back to him... cos i think the next main quest is talking to the woman you safed before in Fyeborough...

    I hope i works for you and in case others have more information or want to correct me it's fine for me too...
    Last edited: Dec 23, 2020
  5. Ringo

    Ringo Forum Apprentice

    is ok thx lambrusco