Main questline blocked?

Discussion in 'General Forum' started by 9ndrei, Jan 6, 2021.

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  1. 9ndrei

    9ndrei Forum Expert


    So I don't know whether to laugh my ass off or to be angry. Can anyone confirm you can't advance in the main story quests because you need to wait for them to release the Sargon event?

    If that's true.. it's.. well.. if I do say the words I should get a prison sentence. You get it..
    ргцт and navelko like this.
  2. CaballoLoco

    CaballoLoco Active Author

    It is correct, we must wait for Sargon.
    Do not be angry, it is to laugh ........ or to be more precise: it is BP who laughs ... at us.
    ргцт and navelko like this.
  3. tiki

    tiki Forum Apprentice

    Ok, when the event starts we will open all the maps. It's not that important for me yet. But I'm trying to imagine what will happen next. For example, a new player will start playing after the Sargon event. How often is this event scheduled to run? Or maybe a new player will have to wait six months or a year to complete story quests and open up the world?
    If it happens the way I imagine it will be very bad and thoughtless.
  4. CaballoLoco

    CaballoLoco Active Author

    As things are now, I don't think there will be new players for a long time. And most of those that remain, only pretend to complete the missing maps, with no intention or desire to participate in any event, be it new or recycled, and repeat one or a hundred times.
    A lot of people are already upset, and it won't be easy for BP to recover what it lost.
    Actually we wait for Sargon, to get the game off us with the least possible guilt for having wasted so much time trying to progress in vain .......
  5. silverseas

    silverseas Count Count

    You're the one who popped in my live stream to ask that, aren't you? :D

    The Sargon event has already appeared on the Test Server at least twice now, so hopefully they'll roll it out some time soon.

    I was wondering about that. It would be quite unfair for players who miss the event window to have to wait another god-knows-how-many-months in order to see Sargon to proceed with the main quest line.
  6. 9ndrei

    9ndrei Forum Expert

    Aye, that's me.
    tozagol and silverseas like this.