Announcement Maintenance 05.05.2023

Discussion in 'Patchnotes and Maintenance' started by Shanty, May 5, 2023.

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  1. Shanty

    Shanty User

    Heroes of Dracania!
    There will be a maintenance starting shortly:

    Countdown start: 14:00pm
    Maintenance start: 14:30pm
    Maintenance finish: 15:30pm


    - DSO Steam players can purchase items properly now.
    - Text for Gem Smelter has been modified. (Melting gems costs the same amount of gold as on workbench.) The notification will be added in the following release. The icon for this function will be changed in the following release as well.
    Make sure you download the new thinclient from the website and install it after the maintenance to avoid issues.(Black screen)

    Your Drakensang Online Team
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