Suggestion Make dyes an own spacial bag inventory

Discussion in 'Creative Corner' started by pszabiHUN, Jul 12, 2020.

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  1. pszabiHUN

    pszabiHUN Forum Greenhorn

    I have a lots of dyes in my inventory. They are taking up space but on the other hand I don't want to get rid of them. Since you made it that we can't directly apply it on item it would be fair to make an inventory tab for them in the special bag.
  2. silverseas

    silverseas Count Count

    I would love to have this! Especially coming from a different MMORPG where you could store dyes in a "Palette" and then take them out to apply to your gear whenever you want.
    Chandler333 likes this.
  3. Chandler333

    Chandler333 Active Author

    I fully agree and I hope that we will have a bag / inventory space for all our colors asap. :)
  4. ΣMiwel

    ΣMiwel Forum Ambassador

    That, and make collectible quest items (except for stuff that is used in a quest but drops regardless of it, like dusts of the summer event or those medals in deeps of demise - it couldn't work this way with them) stored in a "bag" in the quest tab, which would have spaces for all your active quests that require it. For example, it's annoying how eg. in Q3 map1, when we collect too many bones (which is often too easy with the current auto-collect features), we have it clutter our inventory for the whole run.
  5. xkeke34

    xkeke34 Forum Apprentice

    We got bigger problems, guys. Dyes should not be our priority right now
    ölüm741, sanane57 and illidanking like this.