map loading issue

Discussion in 'General Forum' started by baca69, Jan 8, 2024.

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  1. baca69

    baca69 Forum Apprentice

    as a mention why i got this map loading issue like forever my team mates have to wait 10-15sec for me until i enter the map,other hand i asked ppl do they have this issue many confirmed but they say game got fixed byitself but not mine,tryed everything like cleaning internet temp files reinstaling game changing provider(currently i`m on 300Mps) didn`t work,it`s any help some1 can provide tx in advance
  2. cefer5.

    cefer5. Forum Greenhorn

    TL;DR -> If you have map loading issue contact to your ISP or use Mobile data for now

    Okay, I found out game works just fine with mobile network which means:
    1. This is kind of network issue and not speed related ( mobile network is much more slower than my wifi)
    2. My firewall was completely off and I tried turning it on and off again no changes (Yeap, both Router and Software firewalls(windows))
    3. I pinged servers and get latency on average 100 ms. It is not a server problem (I suspect it is an implementation error, there is definitely a bug exist on network and connection)
    4. I checked log files there were constant warning about map like this:
    Mon Feb 19 01:33:24 2024 [WARNING] LocationMapManager::SetupNewEntities(): could not create a map icon for state object a0200_PrincesDeparture_01_sitemap!
    Mon Feb 19 01:33:24 2024 [WARNING] ClientGameWorld::UpdateExitState() exit entity with name 'exit_to_e_easter_dun_diff01' not found!

    Do not know if they are causing it.
    5. Other games on my computer (online and including maps/loading screens) opens map under a second...

    Additional notes to players:
    Hey guys, can you share us your router configuration / changes if you solved problem?

    Edit: Guys, After loading map with mobile connection, game is working fine even if I switched to wifi! I will restart game and see if problem comes back.
    Second try succeded... Hmmmmmmmmmm I will try it tomorrow with different computer.
    OMG. I tried 3 different account in werian after 2:00 am and game works/ maps open in 5 second at most (And character selection screen is much more responsive)
    I will try other servers now.
    Grimmag server: Game works just fine and feels very responsive.
    Okay, the longer I idle in game the faster maps load, right know Kingshill is loading under second and dungeons are loading around 5 seconds. Now I will try to restart my computer and try again to see if that state of game persist.
    GUYS GUYS GUYS, It worked, game is faster than ever.

    I mean, I know developers will not help, but, maybe one day they see this errors (I guess they don't have any developers and only marketing :D at least I am sure they don't have any testers)
    I wish they gave us game github / codes in order to help them to solve bugs (I knowww it will lead cheats, but hey what is fun to cheat against npcs, right? Anyway I want cheatless pure game)
    Last edited: Feb 19, 2024
  3. cefer5.

    cefer5. Forum Greenhorn

    TL;DR v2 / Basically what I think helped:
    I checked firewall and turned it on then off ( turning it off made maps load faster)
    Loaded map with my mobile net instead of WIFI for 2-3 times and then switched to WIFI again
    Even after restarting my computer, maps loaded under 3 seconds and got faster every time I tried

    And Also sorry for my Bad England :) Cheers

    Update: 19 February 9:27 PM
    Guys, unfortunately that state of game didn't persist...
    I guess whenever server has a lot of player online, it gets stuck on map loading. Still changing to mobile network makes loadings instant...
    Btw can't change ISP, current is the only one which gives us fiber-optic :/
    Last edited: Feb 19, 2024