Map Process Stopped

Discussion in 'General Archive' started by Talicni, Jan 6, 2014.

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  1. Talicni

    Talicni Forum Connoisseur

    Grimmag server entering Khalys' Elysium and leaving the same room resulted in the same error (both for me and friend in a group)


    Another friend reported same problem when entering Herald same server grimmag.
  2. Bearak

    Bearak Active Author

    Yea today on khaly same problem also on 5v5 what is going on, we want to play but we cant you want you get them, we want to play we cant.
  3. Talicni

    Talicni Forum Connoisseur

    It's even worse then yesterday now.

    And i have to log-in 4 times sometimes cause i get same error and it goes for every area i go threw.
  4. Serenthía

    Serenthía Someday Author

    The main problem in this event is that although BP extended the time limit to finish the event by 1 day, i keep getting booted from the game every time i enter or i'm leaving Elysium after defeating Khalys (and it's only there that i get booted) Whats the point in giving us 1 day if we need at least 1 more week.
  5. Talicni

    Talicni Forum Connoisseur

    Same thing happens to me except i get booted when entering Prison of souls too :/
    Serenthía likes this.
  6. Serenthía

    Serenthía Someday Author

    That didn't happened to me YET...
  7. Talicni

    Talicni Forum Connoisseur

    And when it happens it is not enough to re-log once like at khalys when it happens to me in prison of souls i have to re-log 3 - 4 times every time giving me the same error, good thing i have almost 4/5 event done from before otherwise i am not sure i would have patience to finish event in this condition, not to mention that there are almost no groups doing khaly event just because of this.
  8. Serenthía

    Serenthía Someday Author

    This is the first event i'm doing with my gimmag character and it's disappointing. The insignia are badly distributed and it takes forever to get from one place to the other. And to make bad things worst they give us the black screen with the log problems. Is it me or does the amount of enemies that we find along the way increased also???
    Talicni likes this.
  9. Zokin

    Zokin Forum Expert

    I 'm playing the whole event in this condition.., and i just finished it with all of those errors and lags... Now i'm getting in temptation to smash something against the wall, still not sure what, my pc?, modem?, or my head... :confused:
  10. Talicni

    Talicni Forum Connoisseur

    I am so tired of this, call me when they make this game playable.....
    Zokin likes this.
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