Materi Set

Discussion in 'General Forum' started by JimJupiter, Dec 29, 2021.

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  1. JimJupiter

    JimJupiter Advanced

    I would like to ask how to get the Materi Gauntlets in 140 levels?
    He has a clanmate, but he doesn't remember where he got it.
  2. Айлейд

    Айлейд Living Forum Legend

    these things can be bought from merchants for matter in locations adjacent to the Periphery of Cardhun
  3. Javah

    Javah Forum Veteran

    You might find them from Irene Soames, the seller in the rounded room in top-right of Tetaconetl map. But they are lev 100 items, like all the set.
    Last edited: Dec 29, 2021
  4. silverseas

    silverseas Count Count

    There's 2 ways to obtain it. You can buy it at level 100 from NPCs scattered throughout the Anderworld regions. Otherwise you can get it as an exceedingly rare drop from the Materi Phantoms that spawn from those Materi swirls. It's so rare I questioned if it really drops, but I had a mod tell me it does when I asked.