Matter armor,where i can get ?

Discussion in 'General Forum' started by andreirosu10, Oct 20, 2023.

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  1. andreirosu10

    andreirosu10 Forum Greenhorn

    Hello to all the Dracanians, I want to ask for a little help regarding this armor called the Matter Armor. I'm trying to obtain this armor solely for its appearance; its description mentions a place called Altora, but I haven't been able to find anything about it. Thank you, and I hope this question isn't too embarrassing.
  2. CiscoNetPlus

    CiscoNetPlus Old Hand

    Please indicate which Armor you are referring to:




  3. StayinFrosty

    StayinFrosty Junior Expert

    You mean materi armor? If so it can be purchased at the materi guardians/vendors throughout anderworld maps
    -JustForFun- likes this.

    FAALHAAS Forum Duke

    Fyeborough NPC
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  5. andreirosu10

    andreirosu10 Forum Greenhorn

    thanks for help ,i found the armor from Npc ^_^
    -JustForFun- and FAALHAAS like this.