Maximum enchatment on items

Discussion in 'General Archive' started by atb333atb, Feb 26, 2014.

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  1. atb333atb

    atb333atb Forum Apprentice

    I would like to initiate this tread to know what enchant you can get on diferent pieces. Example perfect legendary shield stats are 60% block and 60% block value (armor, crit, damage i dont know)

    Lets start with a legendary bow lvl 45 ofc:
    max damage value?
    max damage %
    max atack speed value
    max crit hit value


    if sombody knows this value pliz post here i cant find a guide

    Second item that i am interested is an arrow lvl 45 or a neclace same lvl

    max +damage
    max crit damage %
    max crit hit value

    i dont care for armor/hp/rez on neck but if you know those stats also whould be good for this topic

    if there are diferent maximum stat depending on fast/slow bow post that also pls
    Last edited by moderator: Feb 26, 2014
  2. Paulusvonkrossov

    Paulusvonkrossov Exceptional Talent

    Legendary Short Bow:

    Max dmg % I have seen is 34.9% (35%).
    Max attact speed is 12%.
    Max crit hit value i have seen is 245.
    Max +dmg is 30.
  3. Mara23sea

    Mara23sea Forum Apprentice

  4. Hartvig

    Hartvig Forum Inhabitant

  5. Paulusvonkrossov

    Paulusvonkrossov Exceptional Talent

    Hartvig I guess author of this thread would like to know max stats of unenhanced items. ;)
  6. Mara23sea

    Mara23sea Forum Apprentice

    lol man we were talking about originally 45lvl items, not low lvl items...

    As you can see in that topic, all stats regards of items 43+ lvl...
  7. atb333atb

    atb333atb Forum Apprentice

    yes i dont talk about retrofiting the char. i talk about id-ing a lvl 43-45 so we all know what to expect from diferent items.
    For instance wepons and shield have better enchantments at lvl 45 than upped low levels.

    Now i'm locking for a shortbow with 4x 35% weapon damage or longbow 2x 35% 2x 12 % faster speed.
  8. Paulusvonkrossov

    Paulusvonkrossov Exceptional Talent

    atb333atb I guess BP don't allow to generate those stats in one item. In fact that would be absolutely OP.
    Btw. let me drop second one :)
  9. atb333atb

    atb333atb Forum Apprentice

    i dont want a perfect one just a decent one... i ided about 6 bows so far... best was a short bow:
    32 damage
    25 damage

    what is bigest value or travel speed on boots?
    Last edited by moderator: Mar 16, 2014
  10. NightWalker

    NightWalker Board Analyst

    Highest Dmg I saw= 32 dmg
    Highest crit dmg 9.9%
    Highest crit value I saw 309 crit value
    dmg and crit value on 45 items. Crit dmg same range for all levels.
  11. atb333atb

    atb333atb Forum Apprentice

    is 10% walk speed the maximum enchant on legendary items?
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