Mentoring Question

Discussion in 'General Archive' started by jmie888, Mar 18, 2014.

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  1. jmie888

    jmie888 Forum Apprentice

    Hi Masters, currently i have SW Level 33 with Level 16 knowledge and it makes my head ache my +250 per day ancient books.

    i am thinking if this will work,

    i will create new character (then it will have mentoring bonus/ +750 per day) and make its Knowledge above Level 16.

    My question is, does the mentoring will be transferred to my SW Level 33 with Level 16 Knowledge no matter what was the character Level of my new character (lets say only Level 20)?

    or it should be above my Level 33?

    please advise on this, really appreciate your help
  2. NightWalker

    NightWalker Board Analyst

    It works. You can do 750 knowledge everyday if you have two accounts. 2nd account can even be level 1. However, you will have to spend time on your 2nd account, which can be worth it once knowledge catches up.
  3. Markoman

    Markoman Someday Author

    Mentor knowledge bonus is strictly related to nothing else than knowledge. You cannot have mentor bonus unless you have at least 2 characters on the same account (NightWalker made mistake mentioning 2nd account, it's character not account). Once your 2nd character catches up with knowledge (you don't even have to pay silver/gold to lvl-up his knowledge you can just pile the books) the mentor bonus will automatically swap to your SW which will have less knowledge than your 2nd character at the given moment. In order to keep receiving 750 books per day on your SW, you will have to do daily quest twice a day (SW + 2nd char), but it makes it totally worth it.
  4. NightWalker

    NightWalker Board Analyst

    My bad, bad terminology. 2 CHARACTERS on SAME account. It is totally worth it! All you have to do on 2nd account is finsih the dq. However, if the dq happens to be pvp quests then it isn't so easy if you don't train your 2nd account.
  5. jmie888

    jmie888 Forum Apprentice

    thanks with this master.

    thanks master you mean with "can just pile the books" i dont need to level up the knowledge level of my second character?, if the numbers of book became greater than my Level 33 it will automatically swap the mentoring?. thats nice!! thanks a lot :D i will start this today!.
  6. Markoman

    Markoman Someday Author

    @jmie888 yes it is not necessary for you to lvl-up knowledge on 2nd char when the total number of books becomes greater then the 1st char mentor bonus will switch to you main character, and considering he is lvl16 in knowledge tree that wont take very long.
    jmie888 likes this.
  7. Guitarman

    Guitarman Forum Master

    I noticed that when piling books uptil a certain point, before reaching L30, there will be a cap where my toon were unable to get knowledge DQ. Did anyone encountered it ? The cap could be 45,000 knowledge.

    My ST was at L14 and having 452xx knowledge. Not been able to get the knowledge DQ anymore. My friends told me to level up the knowledge level, but not been able to find time to farm.

    Anyone encountered the same ?
    jmie888 likes this.
  8. ArcaneMaster

    ArcaneMaster Active Author

    lvling up 2 characters knowledge is all worth it.. as your main is only lvl 16 it will take very few days for you catch up and once both reach same point then everyday u get to alternate mentoring bonus between this two characters. thats 1k knowledge in 2days :D

    thats how devs have coded it.. once u have enough books for lvl 30 u wont be able to make more book from dq nor will monsters drop them.
    jmie888 likes this.
  9. Guitarman

    Guitarman Forum Master

    No... it is not enough for L30, just 1k more to go... but no more DQ knowledge quest... I guess there is a hidden cap of 45k... can Mod confirm this ?
  10. Mal3ficent

    Mal3ficent Guest

    The game is calculating your books of knowledge not your level at knowledge tree.
    Lets say you are level 25 at knowledge tree, the moment you hit +15K books of knowledge they stop dropping and no daily quests for them are given.
    Another example, if you are level 0 at knowledge tree but you have enough books of knowledge for end level, same apply as that above.
    This I can confirm only as a player, as I have no any other info from the devs.
    Last edited: Mar 19, 2014
    jmie888 and Vendetta like this.
  11. ArcaneMaster

    ArcaneMaster Active Author

    if u are at lvl 14 u need 45750 books to lvl to lvl 30. as u are saying u have 45k+ i
    guess its more than 45750 and thats why u dont see quest anymore..

    if this is not the case then this should be a bug,

    for your info:
    lvl 1-5 need 250 books per lvl, 5x250 = 750
    lvl 6-10 need 500 books per lvl, 5x500 = 2500
    lvl 11-15 need 750 books per lvl, 5x750 = 3750
    lvl 16-20 need 3000 books per lvl, 5x3000 = 15000
    lvl 21-25 need 3000 books per lvl, 5x3000 = 15000
    lvl 26-30 need 3000 books per lvl, 5x3000 = 15000
    jmie888 likes this.
  12. Guitarman

    Guitarman Forum Master

    Sorry.. it was 42804.....

  13. multitoonz

    multitoonz Forum Great Master

    My low level dwarf had same thing happen. Just farm some gold, buy a few points towards next knowledge and the dq will once again give you the knowledge option up until it is maxed. You will end up a bit higher in knowledge than epic mount but nowhere near enough to get another point.
  14. ArcaneMaster

    ArcaneMaster Active Author

    you still need 2196 books to get to 30 lvl, you should be getting dq quest for books. i guess this is a bug for sure then.

    in the mean time atleast try lvling it up by one lvl and see if your luck changes nxt day XD
    Last edited: Mar 19, 2014
  15. Markoman

    Markoman Someday Author

    @Guitarman and @multitoonz thanks for reporting this it will be forwarded to the higher-ups.


    I've been informed that similar cases were known and problem was always fixed after lvling your knowledge tree. There may be a limit to the amount of books you can pile up, viewing from this angle it would be around 43k. I'll get back to you on this one when I get answer from someone who is more knowledgeable about this.
    Last edited: Mar 19, 2014
    jmie888 and Guitarman like this.
  16. jmie888

    jmie888 Forum Apprentice

    thanks a lot for helping me :) really appreciate it.

    i have another question what if my main and should i say "dummy" character have small differences in number of books like for example.

    My Main have Level 5 + 5 books unused and my "dummy" have Level 5, the mentoring will get by my Dummy right?

    but what if on that day i do the daily quest of my Dummy so it will have +750
    Making it more books than my main on that day

    question: on the same day, does the mentoring will be automatically transfer to my Main character? or should i wait for another day?
  17. Guitarman

    Guitarman Forum Master

    Do DQ for the toon with mentor aura on then switch characters to and fro until the aura is transferred. :)
  18. Mal3ficent

    Mal3ficent Guest

    The very moment your mentoring character will surpass your mentor character (even by 1 book of knowledge) their roles are changing (switching).
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