MHAssassins (Heredur) recruiting (English)

Discussion in 'Guild Introductions' started by DJFlack, Dec 16, 2017.

Dear forum reader,

if you’d like to actively participate on the forum by joining discussions or starting your own threads or topics, please log into the game first. If you do not have a game account, you will need to register for one. We look forward to your next visit! CLICK HERE
  1. DJFlack

    DJFlack Forum Greenhorn

    New guild ..... New players .....
    We are a small friendly new guild with relatively new players and we would like to invite both veterans and noobs to join us. Teach us, learn with us, fight with us but most importantly have FUN with us. Message here with you IGN or contact me DJFlack in-game.
  2. Shine2

    Shine2 Board Administrator Team Drakensang Online

    Hello DJFlack! Great to have you here; we hope you'll find DSO EN Forum useful and our Community helpful and friendly. Good luck with recruiting cool players for your MHAssassins Guild!

    kind regards.
    DJFlack likes this.
  3. deathsoulxoxoxo

    deathsoulxoxoxo Forum Greenhorn

    hi i like to join your guild IGN is gomadbrah :) ranger lvl 31
    DJFlack likes this.
  4. DaBiorni

    DaBiorni Forum Apprentice

    I would like to join lvl 44 ranger, ign : Bj0rni
  5. DJFlack

    DJFlack Forum Greenhorn

    ["BUMP" removed]
    Last edited by moderator: Feb 12, 2018
  6. razvan.rosu.satana

    razvan.rosu.satana Forum Greenhorn

    Hi there. I just reached lvl 55 and i want to make my character stronger and be able to play in the parallel worlds but with 5000 damage is hard to play because i get one shot even with 25k hp, and i would love an active guild with friendly players just like me to play together and enjoy the game. Username: Rozvy. Thank you for your time reading the application and i hope you consider taking me in the guild.
    DJFlack likes this.
  7. TheBestRadi

    TheBestRadi Forum Greenhorn

    hi i would like to join your guild , 48 lvl dwarf IGN - Thebestradi
    DJFlack likes this.
  8. DJFlack

    DJFlack Forum Greenhorn

    hey, sorry not checked the forums in a while, have sent an invite if you are still interested

    --- MERGED ----

    hey, sorry not checked the forums in a while, have sent an invite if you are still interested
    Last edited by moderator: Aug 26, 2018
  9. alihan77

    alihan77 Forum Greenhorn

    hey like to join your guild 60 lvl mage name gt000
  10. ABN555

    ABN555 Forum Apprentice

    he has not been online for more than 6 months. So dont hold your breath waiting for an invite :)