Missing runes

Discussion in 'General Forum' started by rexker, Dec 6, 2020.

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  1. rexker

    rexker Forum Greenhorn

    Hello to all,
    I have one question about rune trinkets.
    Yesterday I put 5 overstock runes in additional trinkets in my inventory and opened new slot. Now I can see only 2 runes in trinket and no opened slot...
    Anybody with the same issue?
    I cant even remember what runes was inside
  2. KulawyMao

    KulawyMao Exceptional Talent

    i had 5 runes in trinket and i put it off....and they missed ;d i dont have it anymore ;d for me it waste of time to write ticket bc they will says me the same as always 'give us ss' yeah bc i do ss every time when i do anythink in the game ;) so gl next time
  3. 9ndrei

    9ndrei Forum Expert

    The runes have been returned in your inventory. You can test it. On an unequipped trinket, place runes that go beyond the socketable amount (if you have 5/5 celerety, place another one on a trinket in your inv)

    When you reload the map, the rune will be spewed out of your trinket and in your inv.

    It' a bug [EDIT]
    Last edited by moderator: Dec 7, 2020