Bug Mistakes in the game

Discussion in 'General Forum' started by anderson92acs, Jun 7, 2022.

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  1. anderson92acs

    anderson92acs Forum Apprentice

    Hello dear heroes of Dracania
    I come to report two current errors that occur on the Agathon server, the gauntlet of terror bonus collected during the Sargon event, is not working with the 30% increase in damage and 20% armor debuff when we take the sphere of terror, it is possible see the cooldowns on the screen but there are no changes to our damage or armor stats.
    Another bug is about Scan Cave, when we use the five tools to collect ore or plants inside the scan cave, we don't get the five broken tools in return.
    Please check these bugs to improve our fun and performance.
  2. Shine2

    Shine2 Board Administrator Team Drakensang Online

    Hello anderson92acs. As far as first of the situations is concerned, it happens if 2 spheres are collected one after another, bear in mind that there is a debuff after acquiring the bonus, so that you cannot get the buff instantly right away after getting another sphere.
    The second "bug" is not a bug- it is intended: basically you drop ingredients from the stone plus you get a chance to get the shoulders from the map set. It would appear somewhat strange to give resources to get an item and then take back the resources, if you take my meaning that is;


  3. anderson92acs

    anderson92acs Forum Apprentice

    No, I'm not mad because I tested it several times after each hotfix and the bonus of none of the horror items works. Join our Agathon server and prove it for yourself, none of our server colleagues have proven the existence of a change in status with the sphere of terror. About Scan Cave, I understood the mutual exchange of key per item.
  4. RantNRave

    RantNRave Someday Author

    did testing on terror gloves, mine does indeed work. also agathon. Though you dont physically see the terror orbs, they do proc on killing mobs, as long as the 20 second cooldown is over. Also works with all my gear on.

    https://imgur.com/10qMQts - base
    https://imgur.com/JlIAa5H - terror gloves buff

    math checks out too

    Dmg 50,400 + 17080 absolute modifier + 109.5% relative modifier = 141371
    Dmg 50,400 + 17080 absolute modifier + 139.5% relative modifier = 161614.6 (rounded up)

    armor 869 - 20% (no modifiers) = 695.2
    Last edited: Jun 11, 2022
  5. anderson92acs

    anderson92acs Forum Apprentice

    RantNRave, Take off your jewelry bags and attack only with skill that doesn't trigger stack bonus. Then you will see that the horror items don't work as you say, I tested again and they don't work.
  6. RantNRave

    RantNRave Someday Author

    The jewel trinkets are visable in inventory on the right hand side. The first thing I removed as there are too many same battle icons, too many relative modifier boosts, since theres no breakdown of relative modifiers holding Y in the character stats window.
    In the prior pictures you can see that only the terror buff is applied, and 4 battle anger charges, deco, pet, guild. nothing that would give further boosts to the base stats after the controlled terror effect triggers.
    hell i even did it again, removed my pet, decorative effect, weapon battle anger. I could leave my guild next? but just for clarity, only guild and controlled terror is active.

    https://imgur.com/h6FcKEV - base
    https://imgur.com/dZXeFKy - boost

    base - 50400 damage + 9090 aboslute modifier + 107.5% relative modifier = 123,441.75 total damage
    terror buff - 50400 damage + 9090 absolute modifier + 137.5% relative modifier = 141,288.75 total damage
    armor 869 - 20% = 695.2
    (only difference from last time was damage was not rounded up by 1 point, which is odd)

    I think if yours is not triggering, perhaps class, skills, or multiple terror pieces could be conflicting. Sometimes my retrigger after the cooldown takes 1 kill and sometimes 30 kills (obviously on a boss it will never trigger). What level is the terror gear your using? could it be possible that the trigger varies by level, thus making it harder to proc the bonus?

    A second opinion, preferably the same class as you would be helpful from another person, and testing multiple pieces.
    Last edited: Jun 13, 2022
  7. anderson92acs

    anderson92acs Forum Apprentice

    I tested with lvl140, which is strange because I can name powerful players who also suffer from the error of these horror items. On youtube or stream they prove that none of the items worked.
  8. Topico

    Topico Forum Apprentice

    hello , i have the same problem with my account in server tegan all pg, the horror effect of all items terror no work : the stats when i pick terror sphere are the same .