Mobility! [oops XX stucked me!]

Discussion in 'General Forum' started by rpfo, Apr 19, 2021.

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  1. rpfo

    rpfo Padavan

    I was [oops a wolf stucked me!] wondering a way[oops sw guardian stucked me and i died!] to explain how is to[oops a wolf stucked me!] play this game nowadays [oops a dk clone stucked me!] and i guess[oops a wolf stucked me!] i found it. Nothing is more [oops a wolf stucked me!] important in a game like dso[oops a wolf stucked me!] than mobility and i didnt see anything [oops a wolf stucked me!] considering a change on mobility [oops a dk clone stucked me!] mechanics since[oops sw guardian stucked me and i died!] CE started[oops a wolf stucked me!] . I do hope devs consider to change it (since it is intended for death caps). It is very annoying , [oops a dk clone stucked me!] no matter[oops a wolf stucked me!] if solo or in group, [oops sw guardian stucked me and i died!] as long as there [oops a wolf stucked me!] is a ranger, a sw or a dk[oops sw guardian stucked me and i died!] with those clones. [oops a wolf stucked me!] So pls lovely devs , [oops a wolf stucked me!] do something, i wont even waste [oops a wolf stucked me!] my time[oops a dk clone stucked me!] sugesting cause[oops sw guardian stucked me and i died!] i got impatient just by [oops a wolf stucked me!] writing this.
    Last edited by moderator: Apr 20, 2021
    gbit, bibere and navelko like this.
  2. mystic_archer29

    mystic_archer29 Forum Apprentice

    quick answer: lazy design, greed over substance of the game. We, in our group of developers (not associated with bigpoint or any of its affiliates) call it a cow design, because 'moo moo moo' (more more more)

    It really is hard to find good designers nowadays, it seems nobody is motivated to think critically about their own design, they just do some random stuff and expect nonrandom results.

    If you had people of Steve Jobs or Gates or even Musk calliber on it, then it'd probably be one of the best mmorpg on the market, if not the best. Unfortunately the [EDIT] point is comprised of mostly mediocre people who fail at the most simplistic tasks (but hey, they have university, i mean [EDIT] degree right? they sm0rt? no?)

    they have massive business model issue bro, all these updates arent updates, they are just circles to make you pay more, the upper management doesnt even know basic stuff like what is the maximum level you can reach in wisdom/experience etc, they dont give a damn about your experience, its just muneeyyyyy muneyyyyy attitude, i.e. lazy
    Last edited by moderator: Apr 19, 2021
  3. spenc

    spenc Forum Apprentice

    If any company had people like Steve Jobs or Gates, then any game would be really cool
  4. Anyki

    Anyki User

    Be nice to your moderators. We're the ones who have to read your posts, and an eye-stabbing rainbow is a surefire way to ensure I'll strip your post of all formatting.
    Melethainiel likes this.
  5. TwiliShadow

    TwiliShadow Count Count

    Good lord!
    Anyki, please put some of that formatting back. It's impossible to read now. At least before one could read between the colors and make sense of it. Now it's just gibberish.
  6. rpfo

    rpfo Padavan

    Patient moderator , [EDIT]! I know it was bad, you missed the poetic essence of the post. The stabbing rainbow was a visual way to say that we get blind as much as we get stucked. That post should go to Louvre !! Ty and sry !
    Last edited by moderator: Apr 24, 2021
  7. wojtekwjk

    wojtekwjk Regular

    Believe me dude, moderators on english section are the nicest moderators on whole DSO forum. If you had written something like first post on (for example) polish section you would got banned for at least 1 day (using multiple colours, using red colour which is prohibited). You would probably got another couple day ban, or at least warning for arguing with moderators in your second post. So yeah, mods here are really cool.
    Melethainiel likes this.