Monster Hunt?

Discussion in 'General Archive' started by Shansurri, Feb 24, 2018.

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  1. Shansurri

    Shansurri Active Author

    It there any particular guide or suggestions for this event? Or does the progress just drop wherever, as you farm? I did check the wiki, but the area I found just covered rewards. Also, is progress higher in higher difficulties, or is it my imagination? Thanks in advance for any help.
  2. Fugnuts

    Fugnuts Forum Master

    If you are looking for a way to finish this event fast(er) then u will have to buy those Vials of attractant available in the shop and farm either the Great desert/q3m1 (the mill area from the upper left side) or q1 m1 (just the circle).Most likely this is the order of the maps that would give u most progress per amount of time invested.

    If you use the buffs though its better to go on normal mode maps or maybe painfull at the most in order to clear the mobs asap.Going on infernal 1-3 with the buff running will only make you waste that buff.
    Morinphen likes this.
  3. sargon234

    sargon234 Commander of the Forum

    Open the wallet and buy the buffs, that's what bp wants
  4. Shansurri

    Shansurri Active Author

    ah... That was what I was afraid of. So for the low low price of 20k I can finish this event. Maybe.

    Or I could just play the game. And DSO thinks that the bots and scripts don't give a false measurement of the gamer's economic ability? Thanks for the map suggestions, and for confirming what my math was suggesting (that normal or painful were the two best options for speed). At least I can run leaderboards and get some progress in the event at the same time. Cheers!
  5. Fugnuts

    Fugnuts Forum Master

    You need around 5k to 10k ander to finish this event if u really are in a rush.This means that u have to go in a farming frenzy for those 30 minutes while u have an active buff.You can probably finish it without buying any buffs but that will require that you play a a lot i mean at least 10-20h farming in the great desert.

    If you play the game as supposed to you wont get much progress without the buff..the maps barely gives u around 10 progress per run...doubt that the lvl u play on will matter here.One important thing that u must know about the events in this game...playing them on normal mode or infernal 3 is the same overall with small exceptions.Even the top players prefer to play most events on lower difficulty simply because BP rewards you the same if you go on normal or infernal 3...Dont ask me why..No one could ever tell u why this is happening ...Best answer u will get is " because BP " xD
    Morinphen and Shansurri like this.
  6. lonepaladin

    lonepaladin Forum Greenhorn

    Thanks, bro, for this tip. I never realized how lucrative that corner of q3 is, not just for progress, but also for collecting andermant. Between andermant drops on painful and trips to the joker, I racked up 4,000 andermant in an afternoon and bought two of the +5 progress potions which gave me the extra progress I needed to finish the event. It took a lot less time than if I had stayed in the desert. So, total, 5,000 andermant was not too much to pay for a snake mount. Thanks, too, for mentioning the vials of attraction, or I would never have looked in the shop for them.
  7. sargon234

    sargon234 Commander of the Forum

    It's not really monster hunt, it's BP's hunt for your money
    DocWhisky and Shansurri like this.
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