Suggestion More Premium Benefits

Discussion in 'Creative Corner' started by Zenia, Dec 19, 2019.

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  1. Zenia

    Zenia Forum Greenhorn

    Hi all, i think that premium must have more benefits, so it will more usefull to players.
    Normal Premium
    Your hero have 50% more hp, deal 50% more dmg to monsters and bosses, have 5% more chances to find more items from ordinary monsters and bosses, quest items have 25% more chances to find, double bonus from event items and 100% more currency gathered (coins only).

    Deluxe Premium
    Your hero have 100% more hp, deal 100% more dmg to monsters and bosses, have 10% more chances to find more items from ordinary monsters and bosses (including uniques), quest items have 50% more chances to find, triple bonus from event items and 200% more currency gathered (all currencies).

    If i thing more ideas i will add them in my post.
    JohnWick likes this.
  2. Javah

    Javah Forum Veteran

    Fortunately, they never do anything that people write in this forum.