More problems with the recent 'Hotfix'

Discussion in 'General Archive' started by .Ptrick, Jul 29, 2014.

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  1. .Ptrick

    .Ptrick Forum Greenhorn

    I realise that the game is complicated and there can always be problems with code changes. I appreciate that. Why, however, do you not have a system of testing the code before it is released? One of the 'new' introduced problems is that what appears to be happening on the screen bears, apparently, no relationship to what is shown on the screen. The player can avoid conflicts, run around and move to a completely different part of the playing room, yet still suffer blows and damage from something, that according to the players' screen, does not exist!!!! Simple testing would, I would have thought, at least shown the problem and it could have been corrected before these nominally 'scheduled' releases - 'nominally' because scheduled implies that there is a routine or a repetition - weekly, monthly or whatever - that is followed and published. If it is published then where is it published? Why do you not let people know that you are going to take the servers down 24hrs before it happens or is this impossible because you do not know when it is going to happen?
  2. Biztart

    Biztart Exceptional Talent

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