My 1H Stats with New Cube Set

Discussion in 'General Archive' started by Zigan, Mar 10, 2018.

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  1. Zigan

    Zigan Forum Apprentice

    _Baragain_ likes this.
  2. UndergroundKiller

    UndergroundKiller Forum Expert

    Nice war there...
    But let me give you some little suggestions wich comes from one of those top players <- and btw I'm not one of them :D, seriously...

    First of all, apparently you need to have around 40k armor, in order to have nearly 80% even after being hit by an armor break skill.

    You would need 1 x %crit rate bonus on the helmet, in order to get near 16k... But this also depends on the runes you have in your cloack.

    On shoulders it is much more likely prefered to have 1 x %block value and 3 x %armor bonuses.

    About shield, it's better to have 2 x %block rate on item and 2 x block strenght / 1 x block strengh and 1 x %hp, in order to get at least to 67% reduction...

    Anyway, take it easy, since it all depends on the gems you (not You = Zigan... You in general) have :rolleyes:
    Zigan likes this.
  3. Zigan

    Zigan Forum Apprentice

    Thank you for these suggestions, but what about around %55 hp bonus from my shield? If i do what you are suggesting, my hp will be reduced remarkably. Since more hp means more hp regeneration, i still dont understand why those top player use like that? I mean %80 armor after armor break skill is very good but it seems to me that more hp is better in general (for magical attacks, and regeneration bonus). Am i wrong? Can you explain a little more?

    Also, is there so much difference between %63 and %67 block strenght?
  4. UndergroundKiller

    UndergroundKiller Forum Expert

    About HP...
    you can still try to get a shield with 1 x block strenght, 2 x %block rate on item and 1 x %hp, so you wouldn't loose so much, also, you can still use 1 %hp line on the helmet or the necklace, but you have to choose there depending on your crit rate, since a possible 18% crit dmg on the Amulet would give you more dmg than a 9% dmg bonus on the helmet...

    Because they have a lot of %hp runes xD

    Also, I see your gloves have flat hp bonuses (if I understood well), so you can change them with %hp.


    About Block Strenght...
    I wrote it wrong... it should have been "you need minimum 67% block strenght". I can say it's because Dragan Set, since you would reach even higher reduction after some successul blocks, specially vs a ranged class.
    Zigan likes this.
  5. Hetsunien

    Hetsunien Padavan

    Very nice character! Congrats!!
    Zigan likes this.
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