my idea for developers to facilitate farming

Discussion in 'Creative Corner' started by, Apr 21, 2020.

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  1. Forum Apprentice

    Hello, good afternoon. I would like to know how I can offer an idea to the game developers. Is it correct to post here?
    I have 2 ideas:
    -create a system to automatically collect items from the ground while I'm farming.
    -create a system to sell full inventory page so you don't have to select the objects I want to sell one by one, because it gets very annoying with the passing of the hours
    JohnWick likes this.
  2. dkarl

    dkarl Forum Duke

    Yes, this is the right place to make suggestions (though, to be honest, the devs let ideas percolate for literally 3 or 4 years before implementing them). However, both of your suggestions have been proposed numerous times in numerous threads already. It might be a bit tedious, but consider reading through more history in various sections of the forum.
  3. vkillerx

    vkillerx Forum Pro

    Try to melt everything that´s even more tedious :D
    True that yet it´s really sad that they ignore this till today
  4. floppydj

    floppydj Forum Greenhorn

    This is a nice idea :)
  5. DCH

    DCH Forum Greenhorn

    The first idea has been proposed for years, but there is no bestial support from the community so that they are forced to impose it on the game. These guys are also crabs, so those who have premium or deluxe are more likely to have this option, and the The second would bring specific problems because it happens if you accidentally press the seller button full page and you have a valuable item either unique or item with spells in platinum that you forgot to remove them but of course you do not have to be silly to do that but if there are currently people that individually sells the inventory items either by mistake or accident that later they realize and claim a bigpoint for that and obviously DSO is worth 3 hectares of green grass
    pst: to forgive for the language if it is offensive or colloquial but it is necessary to clarify certain problems that can be generated by the development team is so bland that you have to leave it all out of hand, and I say bland because they have recycled various aspects of articles they have slightly modified and others exactly the same and they are as something new and not to mention the history but the community accepts those changes so no more
  6. JohnWick

    JohnWick Advanced

    Selling the entire page should have been in place for a long time.

    Everyone who complains saying that it is a mistake because you could sell something you should not be because they do not pay attention.

    It's like using the workbench, once I screwed it up years ago but well, I mixed 3 weapons and another object, I lost 6 gold spells and I was not amused, but it served as a lesson, pay attention to what you do.

    This is the same, if you are selling pay attention, the option is viable and the only thing they are achieving is that some players and youtuber use autoclick programs to sell faster and / or open the cubes faster while others see how it turns in norm and nobody does anything about it.

    Sorry for the English, I have to use google :)
  7. vkillerx

    vkillerx Forum Pro

    Better what i and some others suggested and it actually has some logic in it unlike sell whole page no matter *** is in there button
    We should instead get abbility to lock any item of choice and then just simple sell/melt all button with filter for item types(whether its essence, item, or smth else) as well as for item tiers/colors call it as you want (Improved,rare etc.)
    mitaksoula likes this.