My little dwarfy

Discussion in 'General Archive' started by VikiSmiley, Nov 28, 2017.

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  1. Maistas

    Maistas Forum Apprentice

    Nice progress, keep it up. ;)
    VikiSmiley likes this.
  2. VikiSmiley

    VikiSmiley Forum Apprentice

    So, a little bit of update on my little dwarfy. :)

    [​IMG] [​IMG]
  3. Yogo

    Yogo Forum Great Master

    Very nice, very nice:) Slowly but surely you are getting there:) Keep it up!
    trakilaki and VikiSmiley like this.
  4. trakilaki

    trakilaki Living Forum Legend

    So far you are doing great.
    VikiSmiley likes this.
  5. VikiSmiley

    VikiSmiley Forum Apprentice

    Thank you guys for support. ^.^
  6. bLaind

    bLaind Forum Baron

    Yeah, looking nice. It's better/easier/cheaper to go for 3,5/4 gold line crafts rather than 4/4s, I'm doing the same.
    Now the only things missing are the GoPs to upgrade at least your weapon to lvl 60 and some better gems.;)
    VikiSmiley likes this.
  7. VikiSmiley

    VikiSmiley Forum Apprentice

    yes. I've decided to do these 3,5/4 gold lines just to get at least a little bit better. Otherwise, I can wait for months or even years to get those 4/4 gold lines and become strong. :D
    As for gun, I am waiting to get q7 set or blood mage gun, which did not happen yet, but I am hoping to get at least one of the choices soon. And as for crafting a gun, I am nowhere even close to 4 or 3,5 gold lines. :/
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