Nebula3 Application Error

Discussion in 'Technical Support' started by gorata_lice, Dec 28, 2019.

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  1. gorata_lice

    gorata_lice Forum Greenhorn

    First time I got it was yesterday, after I defeated the event boss. Couldn't even collect the loot, game just crashed. Stopped playing until now, when it happened again, this time after defeating the boss.

    Screen goes black, then returns with this message. Should I waste more time trying to progress with this event? I didn't have this problem in the previous events.

  2. Veteran666

    Veteran666 Active Author

    Nebula window says that there is a problem with d3d9.You should install/reinstall the latest GPU drivers and Directx version.
    I would also recommend using x64 client version (if you have 64bit OS).