Bug Nebula3 assertion

Discussion in 'Technical Support' started by hippo1555, Jul 11, 2023.

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  1. hippo1555

    hippo1555 Forum Greenhorn

    my game crashes constantly when playing in area with many players.

    code from console:
    expression: 0 != this->d3dxParameterBlock
    file: C:\jenkins-slave\workspace\dr. OmegaPipe.windows_client\nebula3\code\render\coreshader\d3d9\d3d9shaderconstantbuffer.cc
    line: 70
    func: void __thiscall CoreShaderD3D9:: D3D9ShaderConstantBuffer::End(void)​

    CPU: I7-8700K
    Ram: 16GB
    GPU: 2060Super
    OS: PoP!_OS 22.04
    Runtime: wine-Proton-GE-8-10​
    Last edited: Jul 14, 2023
  2. Javah

    Javah Forum Veteran

    Was there a moment in which you were able to play without problems, or have you always had this type of issue since the beginning?

    Also, have you already tried to report it to your game support?
  3. hippo1555

    hippo1555 Forum Greenhorn

    Only in bigger cities and it has to do with some item.
    I can be in kingshill only when there is not many players. Sometimes it happens in cardhun.
    I have no idea.

    PS: dont suggest deleting /temp/ because i did it more than 100times
    Last edited: Jul 12, 2023
  4. Javah

    Javah Forum Veteran

    I have seen issues enough here around to *don't* suggest anyone to delete temp folder. At the opposite I suggest to keep it untouched along time, in my ancient home laptop it works as a charm (compared to the powerful graphic workstation at work, where the game just seems ignoring it).

    But this is another story, and I have asked you different questions: in your last post you have just repeated what you said in the first one.

    Anyway you should always report these issue to support - however useless it may be (who knows) - by providing as much detail as possible about your hardware and software system and the circumstances causing the error (including your impression that it is related to... "some item" of the game).
  5. hippo1555

    hippo1555 Forum Greenhorn

    Updated main post with HW specs + Software used.
    And also. I was standing in kingshill from 23:12 to 0:15 until some player teleported into city and my game instantly crashed.
    So don't tell me its not related.
    Edit: I will update this post with log details. when it happens.
    Edit2: I ran DSO 2x times it happened on exact same frame as rendering a new player.
    Last edited: Jul 14, 2023
  6. Javah

    Javah Forum Veteran

    I bet Drakensang has never been officially tested under Pop!_OS\Wine. Probably never any developer has tried to start it and verify that it works correctly in that environment.

    Easy and noobish solution: create a Windows partition, install Windows 7 preferably, and play Drakensang serenely. Difficult and improbable solution: make do and try them all, as the English say, because I'm afraid there are few or no people who can help you, including game support.

    Over a year ago I had a vaguely similar problem to yours on a high-level workstation, which suddenly appeared without any apparent reason. I solved it by rolling back the graphics driver to the previous version, but my case was very different because I was on Windows 10 and the game had previously always worked fine: which is the reason why I asked you this question in my very first comment.
  7. hippo1555

    hippo1555 Forum Greenhorn

    Well i am not going back to windows. I wanted to give a shot to Steam version but i cant login by my original ACC.
  8. Javah

    Javah Forum Veteran

    Well, there'd be nothing to go back: make a multiboot that you will use for this game only, while you play what cares if Windows is in the backstage or not?

    Anyway it's up to you, I wish you good luck to solve the issue in any other way.

    No idea about Steam version, but surely the game support will be able to answer you about it at least.