Need a guild with 38+ players? Click!

Discussion in 'General Archive' started by samiouel, May 31, 2018.

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Want to Join?

Poll closed Jun 7, 2018.
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  1. samiouel

    samiouel Forum Greenhorn

    Hello Heroes,

    Our guild is for people that are from Ashraya and up. We accept only 38+. We try our best to get stronger on farming and PvPing. We also accept people that are level.35-37 ONLY if they are with 100.000+ in PvP.

    Our Leader: Blackplayer07
    Feedback if you want to join us We are also a new and active guild! When a bonus code is out we inform you! We do also host giveaways about once a month with a winning price PayPal Card 5$-20$!

    We also accept people from Greece! Our leader is from Greece!

    If you see this thread after a month or on summer we are still accepting!
  2. Dragonnns

    Dragonnns Count Count

    People will need to know what server you are on.
    AlmosTBlack likes this.
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