Need good guild (lv 30 low lv pve)

Discussion in 'General Archive' started by Adryan, May 15, 2018.

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  1. Adryan

    Adryan Forum Apprentice

    Real name : [edit]
    Name in game : Tacticangel
    Class : Steam Mechanicus
    Level : 30(levelling up slowly)
    Target : Staying low lv till i can big dmg and levelling up just by killing q monsters and events like dragan and more
    Guild Requirements : Active Guild, A lot of players in, Players ready to help each other.
    My stats (this char is 1 week old i'll improve it): [​IMG]
    Last edited: May 17, 2018
  2. Nalros

    Nalros User

    Hi Adryan,

    It may help if you list which server it is that you play on. I hope you find an active guild!

  3. BigHink

    BigHink Forum Inhabitant

    good luck finding guild. Sounds like you are looking to twink with an alt character and just be carried with very little to offer a guild.
  4. thouvou000

    thouvou000 Forum Expert

    instead of saying to the guy"you are looking to twink", why dont you bluntly tell him that this is not possible anymore. Farming and playing events means exp, exp means he cannot stay low, so basically what he asks is plainly impossible. Focus on leveling up. Farming and twinking are dead since that patch, dont remember which though. cheers
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