Discussion in 'Speakers‘ Corner' started by Στε44, May 1, 2018.

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  1. Lambrusco

    Lambrusco Board Analyst

    Chandler333 likes this.
  2. terq1

    terq1 Junior Expert

    GETCOINS100 100x Com.
    Chandler333, bibere and Lambrusco like this.
  3. Lambrusco

    Lambrusco Board Analyst

    Thanks @terq1 for the code
    Chandler333 likes this.
  4. Paladin21

    Paladin21 Forum Apprentice

    Here is the New bonus code today: BIGBIGLUCK (valid till 1st Aug 2024)

    Chandler333, Lambrusco and bibere like this.
  5. Lambrusco

    Lambrusco Board Analyst

    Chandler333 likes this.
  6. Goldd

    Goldd Forum Apprentice

    2 news , i dont remember drop :v
    Last edited: Jul 19, 2024
    Chandler333, bibere and Lambrusco like this.
  7. Lambrusco

    Lambrusco Board Analyst

    HI thanks for the codes @Goldd i see you have edited yourself. Drop useless but for the essences of the code ILOVEBHGH
    Chandler333 likes this.
  8. CiscoNetPlus

    CiscoNetPlus Old Hand

    Check your emails, there is a new custom code:


    *valid until 31st August, 2024

    This code is reserved for Username
    XXXXX (ID XXXXXX) on the server Heredur.

    1x Travel Ration to Blazing Inferno
    999x Blazing Essence of Vigor
    10x Challenge Pass
    100x Fragments of Infernal Passage
    50x Key of Prowess
    50x Amphora Key
    10x Steam Core
    Chandler333 likes this.
  9. thouvou000

    thouvou000 Forum Expert

    no idea why but i recieved no such code via my email. Is this code like per server? if so can you share the heredur one?
    Chandler333 likes this.
  10. Dragonnns

    Dragonnns Count Count

    The codes are unique to you and only available via that email.
    Chandler333 likes this.
  11. thouvou000

    thouvou000 Forum Expert

    that is dumb. They should made them like all the normal bonus codes and be done with it and everyone will be happy
    Chandler333, Talbor and Alpaca like this.
  12. aretias

    aretias Forum Apprentice

    I did not receive any code
    Chandler333 likes this.
  13. Talbor

    Talbor Regular

    Nothing for me either on Agathon. Bummer!
    Chandler333 and aretias like this.
  14. dam18

    dam18 Junior Expert

    If you don't sign up for news that is sent to your email, you won't get the stuff.
    P:S: You sign up for a place where you
    can also change their email.
    Chandler333 and aretias like this.
  15. trakilaki

    trakilaki Living Forum Legend

    I can't see these two posted here ... so here they are



    BTW ... don't forget to get 2 weeks Deluxe with them ;)
    Chandler333 and Lambrusco like this.
  16. aretias

    aretias Forum Apprentice

    Chandler333 likes this.
  17. trakilaki

    trakilaki Living Forum Legend

    You are probably running the game on Nintendo.
    The codes are still working on the PC game version ;)

    Chandler333 likes this.
  18. bigpir03

    bigpir03 Forum Greenhorn

    Personal codes did not arrive to the email address, where do you see them?
    Chandler333 likes this.
  19. portos888

    portos888 Forum Apprentice

    Sorry, can you tell me more about this? :)
    Chandler333 likes this.
  20. KATT

    KATT Forum Apprentice

    Chandler333 likes this.