Suggestion New Crafting idea...

Discussion in 'General Archive' started by MegaNuker, Sep 10, 2015.

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  1. MegaNuker

    MegaNuker Forum Ambassador

    This will do 2 things.

    To obtain items all the Glyphs have to removed from the item.

    When only 1 item is placed on the workbench the workbench will look if it has glyphs in said item. If so it will bring up a menu with a choise. Free will remove 75% of the glyphs from the item and 25% will be forfeited. 2nd obtain will be based on the amount of glyphs in the item. Suggested it be 1 gold per 500k glyphs or 100 anderment per 500k. This will remove 100% of the glyphs from the item.

    The secound function of having 1 item in once the glyphs are removed or if the item has never had glyphs is breakdown. Free breakdown turns the item into 2 of the lower tiers. The paid version breaks it down into 3. This solves the problem people say when they get crapy legendaries now they can gem ingredients to make a new one...
    bendover and Darwarren like this.
  2. Darwarren

    Darwarren Count Count

    Good solutions for us, maybe BP will throw us a bone.

    They should rethink the whole crafting payoff scheme as well, using a little applied economics.
    As it is now, work benching seldom pays off. Most of the items end up melts, no improvement comes from the investment. Time is wasted, and the processing costs are outrageous.
    Translation: the player is not a craftsman, just a failing inventor. How is making trash supposed to be fun?

    If BP would change the payoff schedule to include more improved items, the players would at least have some incentive to workbench in the first place. When the sale price goes up, the line items go up as well, and players would still need to choose what they want in the gear.

    It is already true that high-dollar players get better goodies more often. That's just the way the schedules and priorities work.
    They can be adjusted to make things work for everyone.
    Kiwigal1244 likes this.
  3. fourtwenty68

    fourtwenty68 Board Analyst

    so why should we keep losing anything?
    i think we lose to much already in this whole game.
    from upgrades to combining gems,we always lose something.
  4. MegaNuker

    MegaNuker Forum Ambassador

    4 20 68 you need to figure that a free to play gave you have to spend time and effort I mean really. I think some people feel play for free means they give you everything on a silver platter.
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