new items in arena merchants

Discussion in 'General Archive' started by yellowfrog., Apr 9, 2014.

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  1. yellowfrog.

    yellowfrog. Board Analyst


    something like that i would like to see in arena merchant.nobody buys common legentaries.Bigpoint should reconsider the content.

    (sorry for the greek language at the statisticks of the bow.
    they are:20% speed,+50 damage,+40% critical damages,+20% damage at pvp)
    Last edited: Apr 9, 2014
    ArcaneMaster likes this.
  2. yamahamm

    yamahamm Advanced

    i think its nice looking bow, even cooler than predator, but it would cost like 10M+ honor points to buy it :)
  3. yellowfrog.

    yellowfrog. Board Analyst

    i was thinking about 3-4M
  4. yamahamm

    yamahamm Advanced

    anyway, i take like 2 months to get 300k, and i think for marshalls it isnt good, and for low levels it would be too expensive
  5. ArcaneMaster

    ArcaneMaster Active Author

    wonderful idea.. we should have full pvp unique set where each piece will is bought from honor .. this will make people to pvp more.
  6. Multi-Sev

    Multi-Sev Forum Overlooker

    I wouldn't spend my badges of honor on them, even if they were very good items. A level 45 fame talent will be implemented eventually, and it will be veeeeery expensive to get.

    I guess for those who have level 40 fame and many millions of badges saved, this might be an option. They probably already have really great gear, though.
    Last edited: Apr 9, 2014
  7. TheInfamous

    TheInfamous Board Analyst

    Right, I agree with Sevasten. That's a great item and all but it is a black hole for badges of honor. Once it gets outleveled, you're down 4m honor... definitely not worth it IMO. But I guess there are people that would buy it in a heartbeat...
  8. Rory34390

    Rory34390 Someday Author

    Mabey there would be some uniques like the Helios set that can be unlocked by being at/above a certain level on the fame tree. The items can be purchased using andermant/badges/gold. But the would have to have better stats and be permanent. And they could require level 1 but be scaled to you level/fame level.
    Last edited: Apr 10, 2014
  9. Sewyew

    Sewyew Someday Author

    20% dmg is just too OP. PPl who are buying these things already have close to or over 1k dmg already this will even make the imbalance worse. But the general idea of having something better at the shop is a ++++ IMO.
  10. crimsonfang

    crimsonfang Forum Apprentice

    for ppls like me who has no luck with uniques or legendaries and also are f2ps need something like this also dso could use some badass weapon designs the uniques and normal weapons lately look like junk the only weapons i think are good looking are cloaked wrath and predator
  11. Sewyew

    Sewyew Someday Author

    I'm with you on the design part especially the SW gears look like bad 70's or 80's toys that are out of production
  12. Hartvig

    Hartvig Forum Inhabitant

    Naaah, the good old uniques like khalys is nice, but all the newer ones... Well CRAPPY LOOKING! :D
  13. yellowfrog.

    yellowfrog. Board Analyst

    the general idea is :bring unique items in robert rambetz have the same old common items- which nobody buys -since the begining of the game.

    the bow is an example.they should bring full sets of items for all classes.
    they should be expensive so they will be rare.

    (for all who will think that marshals and field marshals will be OP look this:to reach 45 talent from 40 it will cost about 4M badges.So we will start from zero badges like all.Or we will buy just 1 item,there will be many items to buy so we will have to choose like all the others)

    And thanks for the better acceptance(is this the right word?) of my idea than it had at my forum.
  14. sper009

    sper009 Padavan

    I like the idea, it would give me more incentive to PvP more. I know they tried this somewhat with the Epic Mounts and the Universal Pot quests. One can hope once they squash the infestation of the bugs they will get back to adding community wishes.
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