New Moon and Full Moon Changes

Discussion in 'General Archive' started by _Baragain_, Feb 27, 2014.

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  1. _Baragain_

    _Baragain_ Living Forum Legend

    I really like the following change.

    I enjoyed getting only 2s and 5s from normal mobs compared to 1-2, but I'm sort of disappointed that the Mini-Boss tree can still drop 5s. I had been hoping that those drops would be improved too... like at least 10+ from him... but hey, you can't have everything.

    I'm hoping this, in combination with the improved event progress drops will make this event doable for the Draken... finally.
  2. SillySword

    SillySword Regular

    I finished 82 rounds of Blackborg when R118. It's 50.6 fairy wood per round. I just wanted to use up all the Blackborg tickets.

    In the New Moon Event rewards, 20+30 Drakens (220 fairy wood) are highest Draken / wood ratio. I don't like to complete the New Moon Event.
  3. _Baragain_

    _Baragain_ Living Forum Legend

    Huh, that is unusual. I am seeing an average closer to 90-120 per run since the changes... Is your number only including the trips after the update to 120 earlier today?
  4. harquina

    harquina Forum Apprentice

    First time through the map and the tree boss dropped a nice 50x Fairy Wood surprise :)
    Thank you.
    Last edited: Feb 27, 2014
  5. Lordcl

    Lordcl Junior Expert

    anything about the drops?
  6. harquina

    harquina Forum Apprentice

    Only the normal map has been released so far and the drops are about the same as before -- slightly higher drop rate/quality than normal maps (in my opinion). The main change is the increased Fairy Wood drop from the tree creatures.
  7. galadriale

    galadriale Junior Expert

    Finally there is increase in drop of fairy wood after waiting for a long time. Other changes mentioned are of course welcome. I just don't understand why the dark mage costume becomes permanant (which is good) but not for the wave emote? I am sure every one likes and welcome permanent emote, why still not implement it on wave emote too?

    Secondly, it seems that level 45 players still have a chance to get level 40 unique item since no corresponding changes were mentioned. I hope only level 45 items are dropped for level 45 players.
  8. kama5utra

    kama5utra Someday Author

    First 2 times through the map and the mini boss dropped 50, got some extraordinary drops too. After that only 10, one time even 5 by mini boss and at best blue drops. They probably changed it. :(
  9. yzm5508512

    yzm5508512 Someday Author

    by changing the drop of 8/10 to 5/10 means "increase the progress drop" ,i d say "well done"....
  10. Shield

    Shield Forum Apprentice

    Im happy for increased drops for day.. But for night.. Karabossa's drops sucks. Killed 5 times already. 4waves(consumable) 1 draken drop. Are you kidding me BP?
  11. ZmajodBosne

    ZmajodBosne Active Author

    I would suggest - icons for fairy wood - make it in a different color because they are quite faint in relation to the environment.
  12. SillySword

    SillySword Regular

    It's old number of R118, not R120 now. I'm sick of farming Blackborg these days.
  13. Firefly

    Firefly Active Author

    5 kills = 3x 1 draken + 2 costumes for me :oops:

    Seriously, this is still too hard event. average event run gives you about 70FF
    -> 1620/70 = 23,14.... ~ 24 run to complete event

    24 x 12 cauldrons = 288 cauldrons -> 2880 wood is needed to complete that above... after release R120 -> 1 prepare run is average 90-100 wood
    -> 2880/ 90-100 = 28,8 - 32 run ~ 29-32 run.

    so to prepare and complete the new moon event you need average of 53-56 run in blakborg... it's just too much...

    This would be good event if the wood consumed per cauldron would be reduced to 5 or 6. then it would be around 30 runs to prepare and complete new moon.
  14. soxx101

    soxx101 Forum Connoisseur

    the event is not worth the time or effort....

    always a pleasure
    ZmajodBosne likes this.
  15. ZmajodBosne

    ZmajodBosne Active Author


    Killed Karabossa 5 times, not single unique drop.
  16. yzm5508512

    yzm5508512 Someday Author

    very bad drop, but i got 2 powerful witch gear in a row;)
  17. Metsloom

    Metsloom Forum Greenhorn

    How do u kill Karabossa ??? I cleard map many times but i cant harm him.... so what do i need to kill him ?
  18. ZmajodBosne

    ZmajodBosne Active Author

    You need to take Defend Virgin Quest from witch at beginning of map, save virgin (couple of attack waves), and then you will receive blessing. Only with blessing you can kill karabossa.
  19. Zokin

    Zokin Forum Expert

    In the last wave of attack the minion will spawn, kill him, and you will get a buff that alows you to do dmg to spider boss.
  20. perrush

    perrush Active Author

    Don't forget that you not only need to do 50+ runs in Blakborg, but also need to collect 350+ fragments to 'pay' the entrance. ... ... I just stopped playing because of all this grinding.


    to BP. A while back we had a very hard sargon event. Although it took way too long to complete that event because of hard mobs and regular drops, I enjoyed the fighting at that level. Now it's just grinding for me, every time over and over.

    Make events in different difficulties so that good players must really play instead of grinding. But don't forget to increased the droprate or dropquality so it's worth play those hard maps.

    Being said by someone who stopped his daily play after 750+ days
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