New Moon Event[May]

Discussion in 'Event Announcements' started by Allogeneous, May 28, 2014.

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  1. [​IMG]

    Fellow Hero,

    The New Moon event is happening. The Witches of Mount Blackborg are gathering again to sacrifice a "virgin". Rescue the virgin!

    New Moon Event Schedule

    Server Start Date/Time (CET) End Date/Time
    EU Servers 28th May 12:00 pm 30th May 12:00 pm
    Agathon 28th May 6:00 pm 30th May 6:00 pm
    Tegan 28th May 9:00 pm 30th May 9:00 pm

    Pssst, did you know that if you defeat the boss spider, Karabossa, you have a chance to get a 1000 draken?

    New Moon Event Guide
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