Feedback (new) New Moon Event

Discussion in 'Discussions on Current Topics' started by Allogeneous, Aug 6, 2016.

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  1. MademoiselleCaramel

    MademoiselleCaramel Junior Expert

    It's been 3 months since R185. When do you plan to rework New Moon event??

    This is not some one time per year event, it happens every single month, and you guys do absolutely nothing to update it!! I start to wonder for what I was farming amphora keys, opening golden amphoras, playing those boring quests, killing those bosses...? Fairy wood, white tokens, black tokens, white flowers, black flowers, keys... It all consumes inventory space, but it has no purpose right now.

    Someone would think, „It's fun event, let them play it for fun.“ But nooooo, this event is everything except fun. I do not even want to talk about drop on the map. Ordinary gray items? It's a joke, right? You can't even play random farm there. Do you really think that people will buy the items you are offering to them at the moment? IT IS OUTDATED!

    Helloooo, when will Karabossa come on your to do list? At least, we should get an info about your plans, or anything. If I want to make something out of my hero, I have to make a goal, to have a plan, but right now, this is not possible since you change all the time gameplay.

    If you are introducing something to the game, changing it completely, do it right and consistently, or do not do it at all.

    P.S. How many ppl should complain about something, so you start to work on resolving that issue?
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